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Through the cracked and shattered mirror,
I see fragments of my fragmented mind.
My thoughts, like twisted vines,
Tangle and strangle my sense of self.
My spirit feels fractured,
Splintered into a thousand pieces,
Lost in a labyrinth of darkness.

Standings at the edge of this ambiguity,
I have no one to blame, but myself.

My own gullible self
for being the perfect marionette,
entangled in the threads of fate
In this play of pride and prejudice.

Write me a story,
I beg of you;

One, where my tears have value,
and my voice is heard,
Where my feet aren't tired
walking among the dead.

She drowned in the ocean of my sorrows,
I got lost in the void of her heart;
She found her tears,
I could finally breathe.

This vast, endless sky
is a reminder to my heart,
that my own haven,
was far too small
to keep you caged.

I let go of you,
not out of the kindness in my heart,
but the fear that if I keep you trapped
in these arms of mine, I would be no different than those I saved you from;
Once you loathe and curse.

So I hope you find your freedom,
and never look back;
I'm afraid I would become greedy
If you ever came back to me.

And if I beg for forgiveness now,
Confess to my sins and my desires,
Would you come back to me,
back in my arms?

Or have the words already lost their worth
to your now frozen heart?

Hearts have been broken,
tears have been shed,
Yet we seek for each other,
Wandering aimlessly
till the end of the moon.

You have clipped my wings,
Chained me to these walls,
Bruised my bones,
Torn my skin;

Yet all I see -
Your tears,
Your suffering.

I have truly become a prisoner.

#Atuneofbrokenhearts #OC
I have finally mustered enough courage,
to stare at the mirrors.

It's hideous,
what stares back at me;
A puppet, a ragdoll,
pulled taut on strings
of empty promises, lies,
affection that's craved yet not recieved,
approval that is seeked yet never granted.

Nothing but an empty shell and hollow eyes;
Skin and bones.

I wish to scream,
But all that's left, is a deafening silence.

#OC #Scribble
And I would lay down to silence my thoughts,
soothe my wounds, and not pick them apart;
Rest my tired eyes for a while.

But I do not know,
where home is.

What a cruel fate;

Hands that were once a savior
are drowning me now,
Words that kept me warm
feel like frozen daggers on my skin.

My eyes keep burning,
But I refuse to let the storm-clouds rain.

#Scribble #OC
Your words;
So warm,
So loud,
Dripping with honey,
Sweet and sour.
Tranquil like the moon,
Bright like the sun.

Yet I seek you in your silence,
the only moment your storm comes to a halt.

We rip each other apart,
raw and bloody.

Angry words,
Venomous stares,
Pointed fingers;
Raging tides filled with blood.

It would be a lie,
If I said I never wished for your downfall,
If I refused that there were times I wanted you dead;
You too have my blood on your hands though,
A mutual hate filled with some twisted affection.

A predator hunting a predator.

#OC #draft Twisted fate [Draft 08]
Your pristine attire,
Your gentle arms,
Your tranquil warmth,
Your mellow voice,
Your ocean gaze;

I'm afraid of tainting them.

With my blood,
With my sins.

Just for the day,
be vulnerable;

I will hold you tightly,
Keep you safe beneath my ribs,
Cage you in my arms,
and won't let you go.

Just for the night,
let the storm rage,
let the screams out;

Be yourself,
Be mine.

I've kept burning myself,
trying to keep others warm;

The flames have finally exhausted now,
leaving me in dying ambers,
surrounded by harsh winter.

It's laughable,
how you invite me inside the castle of your heart,
yet keep me locked outside the gates. Caged.

Then you point your fingers,
and call me a traitor.

What shall I do?
What role should I play?
How shall I move, in this dance of distrust and lies?

She is a marionette;
Dancing dutifully to your euphonious words,
you call her graceful,
yet envy her elegance.

You shape her to your whims,
dehumanizing her being,
ever mocking her thoughts,
ever blemishing her skin.

She offers no resistance,
getting moulded by your hands,
you call her obedient,
yet envy her subservience.

She is your design,
your puppet on strings,
you call her your perfect creation,
yet envy her radiance.

Aren't you tired of playing God?

#OC #shortpoetry
You are the splash of colour,
On this black & white canvas of mine.

I have deprived myself;
of warmth, of shelter,
of pride, of dignity,
of truth, of possession,
of hate, of love,

Just to become something,
you wish to have.

Carefully packaged,
devoid of it all that makes me human.

Just a doll on the shelf.

2024/05/28 00:07:13
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